The Anti-Money Laundering Permanent Committee (AMLPC), in cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), plans to organize a workshop on "Financial Intelligence for Money Laundering Investigations and Prosecutions" Sunday 7th of April in Riyadh.

The workshop will be presented by specialized experts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and authorities concerned with combating money laundering in the Kingdom of which they have broad expertise and practical experiences in this area.

The workshop will be attended by more than 60 participants representing a number of stakeholders, including the Ministry of the Interior, Public Prosecution, the Ministry of Justice, Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA), the General Customs Authority, the Capital Market Authority, the Ministry of Commerce and Investment, and the Anti-Corruption Authority "Nazaha", in addition to the participation of representatives from the Anti-Money Laundering Permanent Committee.

The workshop, which will last for two days, aims to enhance and develop the capabilities of the participants from the authorities concerned and provide them with more technical and professional skills. The workshop will have an important impact in developing working mechanisms and upgrading missions, tasks and responsibilities in accordance with issued standards, requirements and International best practices.

The workshop will address a number of topics, including the use of financial intelligence in money laundering investigations, financial investigation of money laundering crimes, exchange of information with counterparties in financial intelligence, the promotion of international cooperation, management and confiscation of seized assets and prosecution of money laundering cases.

The workshop will also include a presentation on the Manual on Anti-Money Laundering Procedures, and another presentation of a number of case studies related to these topics.

This event is one of the workshops to be held by the Anti-Money Laundering Permanent Committee during the current phase, as a sequence of the range of previous workshops held by the Committee. These workshops were held during the preparatory stages of the Kingdom's Mutual Evaluation process in the field of AML/CFT and proliferation conducted in November 2017.The evaluation was conducted by a number of experts in the field from developed countries and international organizations.

The workshops are part of the efforts exerted by the Kingdom to combat risks and enhance the effectiveness of its measures to implement the National Strategic Objectives and the Action Plan to implement those objectives approved by Council of Ministers, thereby strengthening and affirming the Kingdom's commitment to the implementation of international standards and requirements regarding the fight against crimes.
