Workshop on “Trade-based Money Laundering”

During the period 3-7/11/2019, the Anti-Money Laundering Permanent Committee (AMLPC) organized a workshop on "Trade-based Money Laundering"

The workshop has been attended by (34) participants, representing a number of stakeholders, including, Ministry of Interior (Public Security, and General Directorate of Narcotics Control), Presidency of State Security (Saudi Arabia Financial Intelligence Unit, and Mabahith), Public Prosecution, Ministry of Commerce and Investment, Saudi Customs, Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority, and Mutual Legal Assistance Requests Committee

The workshop aimed at assisting the relevant authorities in how to derive evidence and indicators when conducting ML investigations and to raise the level of international cooperation whether through official requests or through cooperation with the counterparts.

The workshop is a part of a continuing training program held by the Anti-Money Laundering Permanent Committee during the second phase of the approved training program, in pursuance of the National Strategic Objectives and the Action Plan approved by Council of Ministers, which included in one of its objectives "strengthening training programs for the authorities concerned with the fight against money laundering by holding workshops in the field of developing methods of investigation and prosecution in money laundering cases".
