Workshop on ML Investigation and the Search in the Open Sources

During the period 24-28/12/1440 H corresponding to 25-29/8/2019 G, the Anti-Money Laundering Permanent Committee (AMLPC) organized a workshop on "ML investigation and the search in the open sources, and developing and drafting legal assistance requests"

This workshop has been attended by more than (50) participants, representing a number of stakeholders, including, Ministry of Interior (Public Security, and General Directorate of Narcotics Control), Presidency of State Security (Saudi Arabia Financial Intelligence Unit, Mabahith), Public Prosecution, Ministry of Commerce and Investment, and Mutual Legal Assistance Requests Committee.

This workshop aims at enhancing and developing the capability of the participants from the relevant authorities by providing them with necessary skills on conducting Financial Investigations associated with ML Cases, and how to develop and draft a legal assistance requests for ML Cases.  

This event is one of the workshops, which supplements a range of previous workshops during the first phase of approved training project, in cooperation with international expert institutions, in Anti-Money Laundering, which confirms the Saudi Arabia's commitment to the implementation of the National Strategic Objectives and the Action Plan approved by Council of Ministers to combat Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing.
