AMLPC’s Participation in the February 2023 FATF Plenary Meeting

AMLPC participated in the FATF plenary meeting and working group meetings, held during the period 20-24, February 2023 at the FATF headquarters in Paris. Delegates from over 200 jurisdictions of the Global Network participated in these discussions. The FATF members discussed important topics relating to enhancing the beneficial ownership transparency and asset recovery, and the preparations for the 5th round of FATF mutual evaluations. In addition, the meeting discussed the proposed revisions to a number of the FATF recommendations including the revisions of R.4 and R.38 and the latest updates on ongoing work and new projects on money laundering and terrorist financing.

In terms of mutual evaluation reports, the FATF members discussed and adopted the mutual evaluation reports of the Republic of Indonesia and the State of Qatar, reports will be published by May once quality and consistency review is completed. It is also worth mentioning that Morocco and Cambodia are no longer under increased monitoring, while new jurisdictions subject to increased monitoring are South Africa and Nigeria.

For more information on the most important outcomes, the following link may be visited:  

Outcomes FATF Plenary, 22-24 February 2023 (
